Publication Abstracts
Ungerechts and Thaddeus 1987
Ungerechts, H., and P. Thaddeus, 1987: A CO survey of the dark nebulae in Perseus, Taurus, and Auriga. Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 63, 645-660, doi:10.1086/191176.
A region of 750 square degrees including the well-known dark nebulae in Perseus, Taurus, and Auriga was surveyed in the 115 GHz, J = 1-0 line of CO at an angular resolution of 0.5°. The spectral resolution of the survey is 250 kHz, or 0.65 km/s, and the rms noise per spectrometer channel is 0.14 K. Emission was detected from nearly 50% of the observed positions; most positions with emission are in the Taurus-Auriga dark nebulae, a cloud associated with 1C 348 and NGC 1333, and a cloud associated with the California nebula (NGC 1499) and NGC 1579, which overlaps the northern Taurus-Auriga nebulae but is separated from them in velocity. Other objects seen in this survey are several small clouds at Galactic latitude -25° to -35° southwest of the Taurus clouds, and the L1558 and L1551 clouds in the south. The mass of each of the IC 348 and NGC 1499 clouds is about 5×104 M☉, and that of the Taurus-Auriga clouds about 3.5×104 M☉; the total mass of all clouds surveyed is about 2×l05 M☉. On a large scale, the rather quiescent Taurus clouds are close to virial equilibrium, but the 1C 348 and NGC 1499 clouds are more dynamically active. Several small clouds with virial masses 10-30 times their CO masses are similar to the diffuse molecular clouds at high Galactic latitudes.
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BibTeX Citation
@article{un05000n, author={Ungerechts, H. and Thaddeus, P.}, title={A CO survey of the dark nebulae in Perseus, Taurus, and Auriga}, year={1987}, journal={Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series}, volume={63}, pages={645--660}, doi={10.1086/191176}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - un05000n AU - Ungerechts, H. AU - Thaddeus, P. PY - 1987 TI - A CO survey of the dark nebulae in Perseus, Taurus, and Auriga JA - Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser. JO - Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series VL - 63 SP - 645 EP - 660 DO - 10.1086/191176 ER -
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