Annual Publication Lists
1987 Publications
Review of "Recent Advances in Planetary Meteorology", edited by Garry E. Hunt. Icarus, 72, no. 1, 236-237, doi:10.1016/0019-1035(87)90128-X.
, 1987:Arnal, E.M., J.C. Cersosimo, J. May, and L. Bronfman, 1987: Ara OB1: A stellar association formed by the action of an energetic event? Astron. Astrophys., 174, 78-84.
Boissoles, J., C. Boulet, D. Robert, and IOS and ECS coupling calculation for the CO-He system: Influence on the vibration-rotation band shapes. J. Chem. Phys., 87, 3436-3446, doi:10.1063/1.452988.
, 1987:Brest, C.L., 1987: Seasonal albedo of an urban/rural landscape from satellite observations. J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol., 26, 1169-1187, doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1987)026<1169:SAOAUL>2.0.CO;2.
Brest, C.L., and S.N. Goward, 1987: Deriving surface albedo measurements from narrow band satellite data. Int. J. Remote Sens., 8, 351-367, doi:10.1080/01431168708948646.
Cabot, W., The role of turbulent convection in the primitive solar nebula: I. Theory. Icarus, 69, 387-422, doi:10.1016/0019-1035(87)90016-9.
, O. Hubickyj, and J.B. Pollack, 1987:Cabot, W., The role of turbulent convection in the primitive solar nebula: II. Results. Icarus, 69, 423-457, doi:10.1016/0019-1035(87)90017-0.
, O. Hubickyj, and J.B. Pollack, 1987:The instantaneous cross-spectral density of non-stationary wavefields. Opt. Commun., 62, 215-218, doi:10.1016/0030-4018(87)90160-X.
, and E. Wolf, 1987:A model for fully developed turbulence. Phys. Fluids, 30, 3391-3418, doi:10.1063/1.866472.
, I. Goldman, and J. Chasnov, 1987:Cloud chemistry on Jupiter. Astrophys. J., 322, 559-572, doi:10.1086/165751.
, M.J. Prather, and , 1987:The role of aqueous chemistry in determining the composition and cloud structure of the upper troposphere on Uranus. Astrophys. J., 321, L97-L101, doi:10.1086/185013.
, M.J. Prather, and , 1987:Cary, E., and Determination of vegetated fraction of surface from satellite measurements. Adv. Space Res., 7, no. 11, 77-80, doi:10.1016/0273-1177(87)90296-1.
, 1987:Clary, D.C., and Test of a modified sudden approximation for rotational excitation in He + CH3CN. Chem. Phys., 112, 15-22, doi:10.1016/0301-0104(87)85018-8.
, 1987:D'Arrigo, R., G.C. Jacoby, and I.Y. Fung, 1987: Boreal forests and atmosphere-biosphere exchange of carbon dioxide. Nature, 329, 321-323, doi:10.1038/329321a0.
De Vries, H.W., A. Heithausen, and P. Thaddeus, 1987: Molecular and atomic clouds associated with infrared cirrus in Ursa Major. Astrophys. J., 319, 723-729, doi:10.1086/165492.
A comparative study of rapidly and slowly rotating dynamical regimes in a terrestrial general circulation model. J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 973-986, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1987)044<0973:ACSORA>2.0.CO;2.
, and R.J. Suozzo, 1987:GCM studies of the African summer monsoon. Clim. Dyn., 2, 117-126, doi:10.1007/BF01054494.
, 1987:Fung, I.Y., C.J. Tucker, and K.C. Prentice, 1987: Application of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer vegetation index to study atmosphere-biosphere exchange of CO2. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 2999-3015, doi:10.1029/JD092iD03p02999.
Fung, I.Y., C.J. Tucker, and K.C. Prentice, 1987: On the variability of atmosphere-biosphere exchange of CO2. Adv. Space Res., 7, no. 11, 175-180, doi:10.1016/0273-1177(87)90309-7.
Climatic consequences of anthropogenic vegetation changes from 1880-1980. In Climate: History, Periodicity, and Predictability. M.R. Rampino, J.E. Sanders, W.S. Newman, and L.K. Koenigsson, Eds., Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 47-69.
, 1987:Grabelsky, D.A., R.S. Cohen, L. Bronfman, P. Thaddeus, and J. May, 1987: Molecular clouds in the Carina Arm: Large-scale properties of molecular gas and comparison with H I. Astrophys. J., 315, 122-141, doi:10.1086/165118.
Collisional excitation of interstellar cyclopropenylidene. Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 65, 175-191, doi:10.1086/191222.
, D.J. DeFrees, and A.D. McLean, 1987:Hansen, J., A. Lacis, D. Rind, G. Russell, I. Fung, and S. Lebedeff, 1987: Evidence for future warming: How large and when? In The Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, and U.S. Forests. W. Shands and J. Hoffman, Eds., The Conservation Foundation, pp. 57-76.
Global trends of measured surface air temperature. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 13345-13372, doi:10.1029/JD092iD11p13345.
, and , 1987:Heithausen, A., U. Mebold, and H.W. de Vries, 1987: A survey of formaldehyde in high galactic latitudes. Astron. Astrophys., 179, 263-267.
Jacob, D.J., M.J. Prather, S.C. Wofsy, and M.B. McElroy, 1987: Atmospheric distribution of 85Kr simulated with a general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 6614-6626, doi:10.1029/JD092iD06p06614.
Jouzel, J., Simulations of the HDO and H218O atmospheric cycles using the NASA GISS general circulation model: The seasonal cycle for present-day conditions. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 14739-14760, doi:10.1029/JD092iD12p14739.
, R.J. Suozzo, D. Koster, J.W.C. White, and W.S. Broecker, 1987:Methane emissions from natural wetlands: Global distribution, area, and environmental characteristics of sources. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles, 1, 61-86, doi:10.1029/GB001i001p00061.
, and I. Fung, 1987:Regional and seasonal variations of surface reflectance from satellite observations at 0.6 µm. J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol., 26, 170-202, doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1987)026<0170:RASVOS>2.0.CO;2.
, and , 1987:Palma, A., 1987: Collisional excitation of interstellar sulfur dioxide. Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 64, 565-579, doi:10.1086/191209.
Palma, A., and Collisional excitation of an asymmetric rotor, silicon dicarbide. Astrophys. J., 316, 830-835, doi:10.1086/165247.
, 1987:Paleoenvironmental shift in maritime Canada parallels Europe. Trends Ecol. Evol., 2, 86-87, doi:10.1016/0169-5347(87)90162-5.
, 1987:Younger Dryas in North America — Modeling, data analysis, and re-evaluation. In Abrupt Climatic Change: Evidence and Implications. W.H. Berger and L.D. Labeyrie, Eds., NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, vol. 216, Springer-Verlag, pp. 185-193, doi:10.1007/978-94-009-3993-6_18.
, 1987:Prather, M., M. McElroy, S. Wofsy, Chemistry of the global troposphere: Fluorocarbons as tracers of air motion. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 6579-6613, doi:10.1029/JD092iD06p06579.
, and , 1987:Ramanathan, V., L. Callis, R. Cess, Climate-chemical interactions and effects of changing atmospheric trace gases. Rev. Geophys., 25, 1441-1482, doi:10.1029/RG025i007p01441.
, I. Isaksen, W. Kuhn, , F. Luther, J. Mahlman, R. Reck, and M. Schlesinger, 1987:Impact cratering and flood basalt volcanism. Nature, 327, 468, doi:10.1038/327468a0.
, 1987:Rampino, M.R., and Episodic nature of the Cenozoic marine record. Paleoceanography, 2, 255-258.
, 1987:Raschke, E., The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project - Preliminary results and its potential aspects. Adv. Space Res., 7, 137-145, doi:10.1016/0273-1177(87)90136-0.
, and R. Schiffer, 1987:Components of the ice age circulation. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 4241-4281, doi:10.1029/JD092iD04p04241.
, 1987:The doubled CO2 climate: Impact of the sea surface temperature gradient. J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 3235-3268, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1987)044<3235:TDCCIO>2.0.CO;2.
, 1987:International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Description of Reduced Resolution Radiance Data. WMO/TD 58 (rev.). World Climate Research Programme.
, E. Kinsella, , and L. Garder, 1987:Geometric dependence of cloud radiation interactions from ISCCP data. In Atmospheric Radiation: Progress and Prospects: Proceedings of the Beijing International Radiation Symposium. 26-30 August 1986. K.-N. Liou and Z. Xiuji, Eds., Science Press, pp. 446-451, doi:10.1007/978-1-935704-18-8_66.
, , and , 1987:Schneider, S.H., A climate model intercomparison for the Younger Dryas and its implications for paleoclimatic data collection. In Abrupt Climatic Change: Evidence and Implications. W.H. Berger and L.D. Labeyrie, Eds., NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, vol. 216, Springer-Verlag, pp. 399-417, doi:10.1007/978-94-009-3993-6_33.
, and G.R. North, 1987:Seze, G., and Time cumulated visible and infrared histograms used as descriptors of cloud cover. Adv. Space Res., 7, 155-158, doi:10.1016/0273-1177(87)90138-4.
, 1987:Smith, L.A., and E.A. Spiegel, 1987: Strange accumulators. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 497, 61-65, doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1987.tb48711.x.
Stone, P.H., and Development of a two-dimensional zonally averaged statistical-dynamical model. Part II: The role of eddy momentum fluxes in the general circulation and their parameterization. J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 3769-3786, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1987)044<3769:DOATDZ>2.0.CO;2.
, 1987:Stothers, R.B., 1987: Aperiodicity of magnetic reversals? Reply to comments. Nature, 330, 26-27, doi:10.1038/330026b0.
Beat relationships between orbital periodicities in insolation theory. J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 1875-1876, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1987)044<1875:BRBOPI>2.0.CO;2.
, 1987:Do slow orbital periodicities appear in the record of Earth's magnetic reversals? Geophys. Res. Lett., 14, 1087-1090, doi:10.1029/GL014i011p01087.
, 1987:Second-overtone models of RR Lyrae stars. Astrophys. J., 319, 260-263, doi:10.1086/165451.
, 1987:Ungerechts, H., and P. Thaddeus, 1987: A CO survey of the dark nebulae in Perseus, Taurus, and Auriga. Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 63, 645-660, doi:10.1086/191176.
Vrtilek, J.M., C.A. Gottlieb, T.J. Lepage, and P. Thaddeus, 1987: The radio spectrum of cyclopropene. Astrophys. J., 316, 826-829, doi:10.1086/165246.
Vrtilek, J.M., C.A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus, 1987: Laboratory and astronomical spectroscopy of C3H2, the first interstellar organic ring. Astrophys. J., 314, 716-725, doi:10.1086/165099.
Development of a two-dimensional zonally averaged statistical-dynamical model. Part I. The parameterization of moist convection and its role in the general circulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 44, 65-82, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1987)044<0065:DOATDZ>2.0.CO;2.
, and P.H. Stone, 1987: