Publication Abstracts
Dishon and Heezen 1967
Dishon, M., and B.C. Heezen, 1967: Computerized library of deep sea soundings. Nature, 215, no. 5109, 1439-1441, doi:10.1038/2151439a0.
More than a million deep sea depth soundings have been assembled in a computerized library which is to be used to make a new average ocean depth model.
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@article{di09200d, author={Dishon, M. and Heezen, B. C.}, title={Computerized library of deep sea soundings}, year={1967}, journal={Nature}, volume={215}, number={5109}, pages={1439--1441}, doi={10.1038/2151439a0}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - di09200d AU - Dishon, M. AU - Heezen, B. C. PY - 1967 TI - Computerized library of deep sea soundings JA - Nature JO - Nature VL - 215 IS - 5109 SP - 1439 EP - 1441 DO - 10.1038/2151439a0 ER -
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