Annual Publication Lists
1984 Publications
Bloemen, J.B.G.M., P.A. Caraveo, W. Hermsen, F. Lebrun, R.J. Maddalena, A.W. Strong, and P. Thaddeus, 1984: Gamma rays from atomic and molecular gas in the large complex of clouds in Orion and Monoceros. Astron. Astrophys., 139, 37-42.
A formula for the Shakura-Sunyaev turbulent viscosity parameter. Astrophys. J., 280, L55-L58, doi:10.1086/184269.
, I. Goldman, and O. Hubickyj, 1984:Testing the Strong Equivalence Principle by radio ranging. Astrophys. J., 276, 1-3, doi:10.1086/161587.
, I. Goldman, and I.I. Shapiro, 1984:Long-period classical Cepheids - Theory versus observation. Astrophys. J., 276, 593-601, doi:10.1086/161648.
, and , 1984:Carson, T.R., and Very slow classical Cepheids: Theoretical models with periods longer than 50 days. Astrophys. J., 281, 811-814, doi:10.1086/162159.
, 1984:Chapman, S., and Accuracy of the IOS approximation for highly inelastic R-T collisional energy transfer. CO-Ar. Chem. Phys. Lett., 112, 436-440, doi:10.1016/0009-2614(84)85564-5.
, 1984:Chervin, R.M., and The influence of ocean surface temperature gradient and continentality on the Walker circulation. Part I: Prescribed tropical changes. Mon. Weather Rev., 112, 1510-1523, doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1984)112<1510:TIOOST>2.0.CO;2.
, 1984:Fung, I.Y., D.E. Harrison, and On the variability of the net longwave radiation at the ocean surface. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 22, 177-193.
, 1984:Gowda, K.C., 1984: Cluster detection in a collection of collinear line segments. Pattern Recogn., 17, 221-237, doi:10.1016/0031-3203(84)90061-X.
Metastability of isoformyl ions in collisions with helium and hydrogen. Astrophys. J., 277, 900-906, doi:10.1086/161761.
, 1984:Theoretical study of magnesium dicarbide. Chem. Phys. Lett., 112, 29-32, doi:10.1016/0009-2614(84)87035-9.
, 1984:Climate trends due to increasing greenhouse gases. In Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, ASCE/San Diego, California, June 1-4, 1983, pp. 2796-2810.
, , and , 1984:Climate sensitivity: Analysis of feedback mechanisms. In Climate Processes and Climate Sensitivity. J.E. Hansen and T. Takahashi, Eds., AGU Geophysical Monograph 29, Maurice Ewing Vol. 5, American Geophysical Union, pp. 130-163.
, , , , P. Stone, I. Fung, , and , 1984:Hansen, J.E. and T. Takahashi (Eds.), 1984: Climate Processes and Climate Sensitivity. AGU Geophysical Monograph 29, Maurice Ewing Vol. 5. American Geophysical Union.
Henderson-Sellers, A., and Possible climatic impacts of land cover transformations, with particular emphasis on tropical deforestation. Climatic Change, 6, 231-257, doi:10.1007/BF00142475.
, 1984:Kamaratos, E., 1984: Covalent bonding effect on the mean excitation energy of H2 with the local plasma model. Phys. Lett. A, 104, 419-422, doi:10.1016/0375-9601(84)90747-3.
Lebrun, F., and Y.-L. Huang, 1984: Nearby molecular clouds. I. Ophiuchus-Sagittarius, b > 10°. Astrophys. J., 281, 634-638, doi:10.1086/162138.
Prescription of Land-Surface Boundary Conditions in GISS GCM II: A Simple Method Based on High-Resolution Vegetation Data Bases. NASA TM-86096. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
, 1984:Rampino, M.R., and S. Self, 1984: Sulphur-rich volcanic eruptions and stratospheric aerosols. Nature, 310, doi:10.1038/310677a0.
Rampino, M.R., and S. Self, 1984: The atmospheric effects of El Chichon. Sci. Amer., 250, no. 1, 48-57.
Rampino, M.R., and Geological rhythms and cometary impacts. Science, 226, 1427-1431, doi:10.1126/science.226.4681.1427.
, 1984:Rampino, M.R., and Terrestrial mass extinctions, cometary impacts and the sun's motion perpendicular to the galactic plane. Nature, 308, 709-712, doi:10.1038/308709a0.
, 1984:Rind, D., 1984: Global climate in the 21st century. Ambio, 13, no. 3, 148-151.
The influence of vegetation on the hydrologic cycle in a global climate model. In Climate Processes and Climate Sensitivity. J.E. Hansen and T. Takahashi, Eds., AGU Geophysical Monograph 29, Maurice Ewing Vol. 5, American Geophysical Union, pp. 73-91.
, 1984:The effects of physical processes on Hadley circulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 479-507, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1984)041<0479:TEOPPO>2.0.CO;2.
, and , 1984:21 Layer Troposphere-Stratosphere Climate Model. NASA TM-86183. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
, R. Suozzo, , , and , 1984:Rind, D., and S. Lebedeff, 1984: Potential Climatic Impacts of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 with Emphasis on Water Availability and Hydrology in the United States. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Selection of a map grid for data analysis and archival. J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol., 23, 1253-1257, doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1984)023<1253:SOAMGF>2.0.CO;2.
, and L. Garder, 1984:Self, S., M.R. Rampino, M.S. Newton, and J.A. Wolff, 1984: Volcanological study of the great Tambora eruption of 1815. Geology, 12, 659-663, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1984)12<659:VSOTGT>2.0.CO;2.
Siegel, P.H., and A.R. Kerr, 1984: The measured and computed performance of a 140-220 GHz Schottky diode mixer. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., 32, 1579-1590.
Stothers, R.B., 1984: Mass extinctions and missing matter. Nature, 311, 17, doi:10.1038/311017a0.
Mystery cloud of AD 536. Nature, 307, 344-345, doi:10.1038/307344a0.
, 1984:The great Tambora eruption in 1815 and its aftermath. Science, 224, 1191-1198, doi:10.1126/science.224.4654.1191.
, 1984:Thaddeus, P., S.E. Cummins, and R.A. Linke, 1984: Identification of the SiCC radical toward IC +10216: The first molecular ring in an astronomical source. Astrophys. J., 283, L45-L48, doi:10.1086/184330.