Alumni Bibliographies

Publications by Nambath K. Balachandran

This citation list includes papers published while the author was on staff at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. It may also include some publications before or after that period if another GISS researcher was a co-author.


Rind, D., J. Jonas, N. Balachandran, G.A. Schmidt, and J. Lean, 2014: The QBO in two GISS global climate models: Part 1: Generation of the QBO. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, no. 14, 8798-8824, doi:10.1002/2014JD021678.


Rind, D., P. Lonergan, N.K. Balachandran, and D. Shindell, 2002: 2×CO2 and solar variability influences on the troposphere through wave-mean flow interaction. J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 80, 863-876.


Balachandran, N.K., D. Rind, P. Lonergan, and D.T. Shindell, 1999: Effects of solar cycle variability on the lower stratosphere and the troposphere. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 27321-27339, doi:10.1029/1999JD900924.

Shindell, D., D. Rind, N. Balachandran, J. Lean, and P. Lonergan, 1999: Solar cycle variability, ozone, and climate. Science, 284, 305-308, doi:10.1126/science.284.5412.305.

Shindell, D.T., D. Rind, and N. Balachandran, 1999: Interannual variability of the Antarctic ozone hole in a GCM. Part II: A comparison of unforced and QBO induced variability. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1873-1884, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1999)056<1873:IVOTAO>2.0.CO;2.


Rind, D., D. Shindell, P. Lonergan, and N.K. Balachandran, 1998: Climate change and the middle atmosphere. Part III: The doubled CO2 climate revisited. J. Climate, 11, 876-894, doi:10.1175/1520-0442(1998)011<0876:CCATMA>2.0.CO;2.


Balachandran, N.K., and D. Rind, 1995: Modeling the effects of UV variability and the QBO on the troposphere/stratosphere system. Part I: The middle atmosphere. J. Climate, 8, 2058-2079, doi:10.1175/1520-0442(1995)008<2058:MTEOUV>2.0.CO;2.

Rind, D., and N.K. Balachandran, 1995: Modeling the effects of UV variability and the QBO on the troposphere/stratosphere system. Part II: The troposphere. J. Climate, 8, 2080-2095, doi:10.1175/1520-0442(1995)008<2058:MTEOUV>2.0.CO;2.


Rind, D., N.K. Balachandran, and R. Suozzo, 1992: Climate change and the middle atmosphere. Part II: The impact of volcanic aerosols. J. Climate, 5, 189-208, doi:10.1175/1520-0442(1992)005<0189:CCATMA>2.0.CO;2.


Balachandran, N.K., R.A. Plumb, R. Suozzo, and D. Rind, 1991: The QBO and stratospheric warming. J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 43, no. Suppl. 2, 741-757.


Rind, D., R. Suozzo, N.K. Balachandran, and M.J. Prather, 1990: Climate change and the middle atmosphere. Part I: The doubled CO2 climate. J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 475-494, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1990)047<0475:CCATMA>2.0.CO;2.


Rind, D., R. Suozzo, and N.K. Balachandran, 1988: The GISS Global Climate-Middle Atmosphere Model. Part II: Model variability due to interactions between planetary waves, the mean circulation and gravity wave drag. J. Atmos. Sci., 45, 371-386, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1988)045<0371:TGGCMA>2.0.CO%3B2.

Rind, D., R. Suozzo, N.K. Balachandran, A. Lacis, and G. Russell, 1988: The GISS Global Climate-Middle Atmosphere Model. Part I: Model structure and climatology. J. Atmos. Sci., 45, 329-370, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1988)045<0329:TGGCMA>2.0.CO;2.


Balachandran, N.K., W.L. Donn, and D.H. Rind, 1977: Concorde sonic booms as an atmospheric probe. Science, 197, 47-49.

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