Author Bibliographies
Publications by Christopher M. Colose
This citation list includes papers published while the author has been on staff at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. It may include some publications based on research conducted prior to their having joined the institute staff.
Effects of spin-orbit resonances and tidal heating on the inner edge of the Habitable Zone. Astrophys. J., 921, no. 1, 25, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac135c.
, J. Haqq-Misra, E.T. Wolf, , R. Barnes, , and , 2021:2019
Spectral signature of the biosphere: NISTAR finds it in our solar system from the Lagrangian L-1 point. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, no. 17-18, 10679-10686, doi:10.1029/2019GL083736.
, , C. Colose, A. Marshak, W. Su, and S. Lorentz, 2019:Enhanced habitability on high obliquity bodies near the outer edge of the Habitable Zone of Sun-like stars. Astrophys. J., 884, no. 2, 138, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab4131.
, , and , 2019:Albedos, equilibrium temperatures, and surface temperatures of habitable planets. Astrophys. J., 884, no. 1, 75, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab3be8.
, , , , , Y. Fujii, , , , S.D. Guzewich, and , 2019:2017
PAGES Hydro2k Consortium, J.E. Smerdon, J. Luterbacher, S.J. Phipps, K.J. Anchukaitis, T. Ault, S. Coats, K.M. Cobb, Comparing proxy and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era. Clim. Past, 13, 1851-1900, doi:10.5194/cp-13-1851-2017.
, , T. Felis, A. Gallant, J.H. Jungclaus, B. Konecky, , S. Lewis, A.S. Lopatka, W. Man, , J.T. Maxwell, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, J.W. Partin, D. Singh, N.J. Steiger, S. Stevenson, J.E. Tierney, D. Zanchettin, H. Zhang, A.R. Atwood, L. Andreu-Hayles, S.H. Baek, B. Buckley, E.R. Cook, R. D'Arrigo, S.G. Dee, M. Griffiths, C. Kulkarni, Y. Kushnir, F. Lehner, C. Leland, H.W. Linderholm, A. Okazaki, J. Palmer, E. Piovano, C.C. Raible, M.P. Rao, J. Scheff, , R. Seager, M. Widmann, A.P. Williams, and E. Xoplaki, 2017:2016
Colose, C.M., Hemispherically asymmetric volcanic forcing of tropical hydroclimate during the last millennium. Earth Syst. Dyn., 7, 681-696, doi:10.5194/esd-7-681-2016.
, and M. Vuille, 2016:Colose, C.M., The influence of volcanic eruptions on the climate of tropical South America during the last millennium in an isotope-enabled general circulation model. Clim. Past, 12, 961-979, doi:10.5194/cp-12-961-2016.
, and M. Vuille, 2016:2014
Jomelli, V., V. Favier, M. Vuille, R. Braucher, L. Martin, P.-H. Blard, A major advance of tropical Andean glaciers during the Antarctic cold reversal. Nature, 513, no. 7517, 224-228, doi:10.1038/nature13546.
, D. Brunstein, F. He, M. Khodri, D.L. Bourles, L. Leanni, V. Rinterknecht, D. Grancher, B. Francou, J.L. Ceballos, H. Fonseca, Z. Liu, and B.L. Otto-Bliesner, 2014:2013
Fast atmosphere-ocean model runs with large changes in CO2. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 5787-5792, doi:10.1002/2013GL056755.
, , , C. Colose, and R.F. Opstbaum, 2013:2011
Cheng, J., Z. Liu, F. He, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, and C. Colose, 2011: Impact of North Atlantic — GIN Sea exchange on deglaciation evolution of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Clim. Past, 7, 935-940, doi:10.5194/cp-7-935-2011.