Publication Abstracts
Ying and Canuto 1997
, and , 1997: Numerical simulation of flow over two-dimensional hills using a second-order turbulence closure model. Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 85, 447-474, doi:10.1023/A:1000534921008.
We study turbulent flow over two-dimensional hills. The Reynolds streeses are represented by a second-order closure model, where advection, diffusion, production and dissipation processes are all accounted for. We solve a full set of primitive non-hydrostatic dynamic equations for mean flow quantities using a finite-difference numerical method. The model predictions for the mean velocity and Reynolds stresses are compared with the measured data from a wind-tunnel experiment that simulates the atmospheric boundary layer. The agreement is good. The performance of the second-order closure model is also compared with that of lower level turbulence models, including the eddy-viscosity model and algebraic Reynolds stress models. It is concluded that the present closure is a considerable improvement ove the other models in representing various physical effects in flow over hills. The feasibility of running a finite-difference numerical simulation incorporating a full second-order closure model on an IBM workstation is also demonstrated.
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BibTeX Citation
@article{yi02000x, author={Ying, R. and Canuto, V. M.}, title={Numerical simulation of flow over two-dimensional hills using a second-order turbulence closure model}, year={1997}, journal={Boundary-Layer Meteorology}, volume={85}, pages={447--474}, doi={10.1023/A%3A1000534921008}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - yi02000x AU - Ying, R. AU - Canuto, V. M. PY - 1997 TI - Numerical simulation of flow over two-dimensional hills using a second-order turbulence closure model JA - Bound.-Layer Meteorol. JO - Boundary-Layer Meteorology VL - 85 SP - 447 EP - 474 DO - 10.1023/A%3A1000534921008 ER -
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