Publication Abstracts
Way et al. 2005
, H. Quintana, L. Infante, D.G. Lambas, and H. Muriel, 2005: Redshifts in the Southern Abell Redshift Survey Clusters. I. The data. Astron. J., 130, 2012-2018, doi:10.1086/462418.
The Southern Abell Redshift Survey (SARS) contains 39 clusters of galaxies with redshifts in the range 0.0 < z < 0.31 and a median redshift depth of z = 0.0845. SARS covers the region 0° < δ < -65°, α < 5h, α > 21h (while avoiding the LMC and SMC), with |b| > 40°. Cluster locations were chosen from the Abell and Abell-Corwin-Olowin catalogs, while galaxy positions were selected from the Automatic Plate Measuring Facility galaxy catalog with extinction-corrected magnitudes in the range 15 ≤ bJ < 19. SARS used the Las Campanas 2.5 m du Pont telescope, observing either 65 or 128 objects concurrently over a 1.5 °2 field. New redshifts for 3440 galaxies are reported in the fields of these 39 clusters of galaxies.
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@article{wa07200r, author={Way, M. J. and Quintana, H. and Infante, L. and Lambas, D. G. and Muriel, H.}, title={Redshifts in the Southern Abell Redshift Survey Clusters. I. The data}, year={2005}, journal={Astronomical Journal}, volume={130}, pages={2012--2018}, doi={10.1086/462418}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - wa07200r AU - Way, M. J. AU - Quintana, H. AU - Infante, L. AU - Lambas, D. G. AU - Muriel, H. PY - 2005 TI - Redshifts in the Southern Abell Redshift Survey Clusters. I. The data JA - Astron. J. JO - Astronomical Journal VL - 130 SP - 2012 EP - 2018 DO - 10.1086/462418 ER -
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