Publication Abstracts
Urbain et al. 2017
Urbain, M., N. Clerbaux, A. Ipe,
, R. Hollmann, E. Baudrez, A. Velazquez Blazquez, and J. Moreels, 2017: The CM SAF TOA radiation data record using MVIRI and SEVIRI. MDPI Remote Sens., 9, no. 5, 466, doi:10.3390/rs9050466.The CM SAF Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Radiation MVIRI/SEVIRI Data Record provides a homogenised satellite-based climatology of TOA Reflected Solar (TRS) and Emitted Thermal (TET) radiation in all-sky conditions over the Meteosat field of view. The continuous monitoring of these two components of the Earth Radiation Budget is of prime importance to study climate variability and change. Combining the Meteosat MVIRI and SEVIRI instruments allows an unprecedented temporal (30 min/15 min) and spatial (2.5 km/3 km) resolution compared to, e.g., the CERES products. It also opens the door to the generation of a long data record covering a 32 years time period and extending from 1 February 1983 to 30 April 2015. The retrieval method used to process the CM SAF TOA Radiation MVIRI/SEVIRI Data Record is discussed. The overlap between the MVIRI and GERB instruments in the period 2004-2006 is used to derive empirical narrowband to broadband regressions. The CERES TRMM angular dependency models and theoretical models are respectively used to compute the TRS and TET fluxes from the broadband radiances. The TOA radiation products are issued as daily means, monthly means and monthly averages of the hourly integrated values (diurnal cycle). The data is provided on a regular grid at a spatial resolution of 0.05 degrees and covers the region 70°N-70°S and 70°W-70°E. The quality of the data record has been evaluated by intercomparison with several references. In general, the stability in time of the data record is found better than 4 W/m2 and most products fulfill the predefined accuracy requirements.
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BibTeX Citation
@article{ur02000c, author={Urbain, M. and Clerbaux, N. and Ipe, A. and Tornow, F. and Hollmann, R. and Baudrez, E. and Velazquez Blazquez, A. and Moreels, J.}, title={The CM SAF TOA radiation data record using MVIRI and SEVIRI}, year={2017}, journal={MDPI Remote Sensing}, volume={9}, number={5}, pages={466}, doi={10.3390/rs9050466}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - ur02000c AU - Urbain, M. AU - Clerbaux, N. AU - Ipe, A. AU - Tornow, F. AU - Hollmann, R. AU - Baudrez, E. AU - Velazquez Blazquez, A. AU - Moreels, J. PY - 2017 TI - The CM SAF TOA radiation data record using MVIRI and SEVIRI JA - MDPI Remote Sens. JO - MDPI Remote Sensing VL - 9 IS - 5 SP - 466 DO - 10.3390/rs9050466 ER -
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