Publication Abstracts
Stothers 1990
, 1990: A search for long-term periodicities in large earthquakes of southern and coastal central California. Geophys. Res. Lett., 17, 1981-1984, doi:10.1029/GL017i011p01981.
It has been occasionally suggested that large earthquakes may follow the 8.85-year and 18.6-year lunar-solar tidal cycles and possibly the ∼ 11-year solar activity cycle. From a new study of earthquakes with magnitudes ≥ 5.5 in southern and coastal central California during the years 1855-1983, it is concluded that, at least in this selected area of the world, no statistically significant long-term periodicities in earthquake frequency occur. The sample size used is about twice that used in comparable earlier studies of this region, which concentrated on large earthquakes.
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@article{st09500o, author={Stothers, R. B.}, title={A search for long-term periodicities in large earthquakes of southern and coastal central California}, year={1990}, journal={Geophysical Research Letters}, volume={17}, pages={1981--1984}, doi={10.1029/GL017i011p01981}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - st09500o AU - Stothers, R. B. PY - 1990 TI - A search for long-term periodicities in large earthquakes of southern and coastal central California JA - Geophys. Res. Lett. JO - Geophysical Research Letters VL - 17 SP - 1981 EP - 1984 DO - 10.1029/GL017i011p01981 ER -
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