Publication Abstracts

Stothers and Chin 2001

Stothers, R.B., and C.-W. Chin, 2001: Yellow hypergiants as dynamically unstable post-red supergiant stars. Astrophys. J., 560, 934-936, doi:10.1086/322438.

According to recent tehoretical studies, the majorirt of single stars more massive than 30 M successfully evolve into red supergiants but then lose mose of their hydrogen envelopes and metamorphose into hot blue remnants. While they are cool, they become dynamically unstable as a result of high radiation pressure and partial ionization of the gases in their outer layers. It is shown here that these unstable red supergiant models repeatedly shrink and reexpand on a thermal timescale when perturbed by heavy bursts of mass loss. Consequently, they fill up the domain of yellow hypergiants on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and display very fast rates of evolution there, as observed.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Stothers, R. B. and Chin, C.-W.},
  title={Yellow hypergiants as dynamically unstable post-red supergiant stars},
  journal={Astrophysical Journal},

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RIS Citation

ID  - st07200r
AU  - Stothers, R. B.
AU  - Chin, C.-W.
PY  - 2001
TI  - Yellow hypergiants as dynamically unstable post-red supergiant stars
JA  - Astrophys. J.
JO  - Astrophysical Journal
VL  - 560
SP  - 934
EP  - 936
DO  - 10.1086/322438
ER  -

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