Publication Abstracts
Stothers 1991
, 1991: Linear and circular digital spectral analysis of serial data. Astrophys. J., 375, 423-426, doi:10.1086/170200.
Two methods of digital spectral analysis of unevenly sampled data are developed and illustrated here. One method uses a linear function of time (or space), the other uses circular functions. The circular method turns out to be essentially equivalent to a least-squares sine-wave analysis. The linear, anharmonic method uses only the field of real numbers and elementary algebraic operations, and hence it can be made computationally very fast and accurate. Both methods are very general, properly handling all kinds of time series ranging from simple series consisting only of the times of events to complicated series consisting of pulses with long duty cycles. The two methods are here applied to the analysis of annual mean relative sunspot numbers.
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BibTeX Citation
@article{st03600a, author={Stothers, R. B.}, title={Linear and circular digital spectral analysis of serial data}, year={1991}, journal={Astrophysical Journal}, volume={375}, pages={423--426}, doi={10.1086/170200}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - st03600a AU - Stothers, R. B. PY - 1991 TI - Linear and circular digital spectral analysis of serial data JA - Astrophys. J. JO - Astrophysical Journal VL - 375 SP - 423 EP - 426 DO - 10.1086/170200 ER -
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