Publication Abstracts
Stothers 1963
, 1963: Neutrino emission, mass loss, and the frequency of supernovae. Astrophys. J., 138, 1085-1089, doi:10.1086/147707.
Without steady mass loss during the red-giant phase, most stars with mass above the Chandrasekhar limit should evolve into Type II supernovae, but the predicted number of supernovae is much larger than the observed number. Although lass loss considerably lowers the predicted number, its effect will be reduced because of neutrino emission which decreases the time scale of the late phases. However, by use of presently known rates of stellar evolution and mass ejection, it is shown that loss of mass with or without neutrino emission will roughly account for the observed number of Type II supernovae. Thus neutrino emission is not contradicted by observations of supernova frequency.
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BibTeX Citation
@article{st01110v, author={Stothers, R.}, title={Neutrino emission, mass loss, and the frequency of supernovae}, year={1963}, journal={Astrophysical Journal}, volume={138}, pages={1085--1089}, doi={10.1086/147707}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - st01110v AU - Stothers, R. PY - 1963 TI - Neutrino emission, mass loss, and the frequency of supernovae JA - Astrophys. J. JO - Astrophysical Journal VL - 138 SP - 1085 EP - 1089 DO - 10.1086/147707 ER -
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