Publication Abstracts

Stothers 2009

Stothers, R., 2009: Ancient meteorological optics. Classical J., 105, 27-42.

Presocratic, Peripatetic, Epicurean and Stoic theories that aimed to explain Aristotle's four fundamental phenomena of meteorological optics are compared with one other and with modern theories. Notable recorded instances of these and associated phenomena are cataloged. Aristotle's streak, Octavian's halo, Vitellius' antisun and Constantine's and Cyril's crosses are identified.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Stothers, R.},
  title={Ancient meteorological optics},
  journal={Classical Journal},

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RIS Citation

ID  - st01020f
AU  - Stothers, R.
PY  - 2009
TI  - Ancient meteorological optics
JA  - Classical J.
JO  - Classical Journal
VL  - 105
SP  - 27
EP  - 42
ER  -

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