Publication Abstracts

Rampino et al. 2000

Rampino, M.R., A. Prokoph, and A. Adler, 2000: Tempo of the end-Permian event: High-resolution cyclostratigraphy at the Permian-Triassic boundary. Geology, 28, no. 7, 643-646, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<643:TOTEEH>2.0.CO;2.

The Permian-Triassic (P-T) boundary is marked by the most severe mass extinction in the geologic record. High-resolution cyclostratigraphy on a 104 yr scale across the P-T boundary in a core from the Carnic Alps (Austria) revealed significant cycles in the ratio ∼40:10:4.7:2.3 m, identified with Milankovitch cycles of ∼412:100:40:20 k.y. (eccentricity 1 and 2, obliquity, and precession). Wavelet analysis indicates continuity of deposition across the boundary, with an average accumulation rate of ∼10 cm/k.y. The dramatic faunal changes at the P-T boundary can be constrained within an interval of <60 k.y. (possibly <8 k.y.), with the accompanying sharp negative global carbon-isotope shift within <30 k.y., suggesting a catastrophic cause.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Rampino, M. R. and Prokoph, A. and Adler, A.},
  title={Tempo of the end-Permian event: High-resolution cyclostratigraphy at the Permian-Triassic boundary},

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RIS Citation

ID  - ra08700a
AU  - Rampino, M. R.
AU  - Prokoph, A.
AU  - Adler, A.
PY  - 2000
TI  - Tempo of the end-Permian event: High-resolution cyclostratigraphy at the Permian-Triassic boundary
JA  - Geology
JO  - Geology
VL  - 28
IS  - 7
SP  - 643
EP  - 646
DO  - 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28%3C643%3ATOTEEH%3E2.0.CO;2
ER  -

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