Publication Abstracts
Novakov and Hansen 2004
Novakov, T., and
, 2004: Black carbon emissions in the United Kingdom during the past four decades: An empirical analysis. Atmos. Environ., 38, 4155-4163, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.04.031.We use data from a unique 40-year record of 150 urban and rural stations in the "Black Smoke and SO2 Network" in Great Britain to infer information about sources of atmospheric black carbon (BC). The data show a rapid decline of ambient atmospheric BC between 1962 and the early 1990s that exceeds the decline in official estimates of BC emissions based only on amount of fuel use and mostly fixed emission factors. This provides empirical confirmation of the existence and large impact of a time-dependent "technology factor" that must multiply the rate of fossil fuel use. Current ambient BC amounts in Great Britain comparable to those in western and central Europe, with diesel engines being the principal present source. From comparison of BC and SO2 data we infer that current BC emission inventories understate true emissions in the UK by about a factor of two. The results imply that there is the potential for improved technology to achieve large reduction of global ambient BC. There is a need for comparable monitoring of BC in other countries.
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BibTeX Citation
@article{no02000x, author={Novakov, T. and Hansen, J. E.}, title={Black carbon emissions in the United Kingdom during the past four decades: An empirical analysis}, year={2004}, journal={Atmospheric Environment}, volume={38}, pages={4155--4163}, doi={10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.04.031}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - no02000x AU - Novakov, T. AU - Hansen, J. E. PY - 2004 TI - Black carbon emissions in the United Kingdom during the past four decades: An empirical analysis JA - Atmos. Environ. JO - Atmospheric Environment VL - 38 SP - 4155 EP - 4163 DO - 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.04.031 ER -
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