Publication Abstracts

Naud et al. 2005

Naud, C., J.-P. Muller, and P. de Valk, 2005: On the use of ICESAT-GLAS measurements for MODIS and SEVIRI cloud-top height accuracy assessment. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L19815, doi:10.1029/2005GL023275.

This study reports on the first attempt to use cloud boundary and optical depth retrievals from the GLAS lidar to assess the accuracy of cloud-top heights obtained with MODIS (onboard NASA-TERRA and AQUA) and SEVIRI (onboard METEOSAT-8). Over the period from 25 September to 18 November 2003, MODIS-GLAS coincidences were only found in the Polar Regions, whilst SEVIRI-GLAS coincidences were available for a larger range of latitudes. For both passive instruments, cloud-top heights were overestimated by about 300-400 m when clouds were low and opaque. For high and thin clouds, MODIS and SEVIRI cloud-top heights were underestimated, and the bias increased with decreasing optical depth. For optical depths below 0.3, the number of misdetections increased significantly and the bias in cloud-top height increased from 1 to 2 km. The bias was found to be larger when lower cloud layers were present.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Naud, C. and Muller, J.-P. and de Valk, P.},
  title={On the use of ICESAT-GLAS measurements for MODIS and SEVIRI cloud-top height accuracy assessment},
  journal={Geophysical Research Letters},

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RIS Citation

ID  - na09000a
AU  - Naud, C.
AU  - Muller, J.-P.
AU  - de Valk, P.
PY  - 2005
TI  - On the use of ICESAT-GLAS measurements for MODIS and SEVIRI cloud-top height accuracy assessment
JA  - Geophys. Res. Lett.
JO  - Geophysical Research Letters
VL  - 32
SP  - L19815
DO  - 10.1029/2005GL023275
ER  -

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