Publication Abstracts

Nakad 2024

Nakad, M., 2024: Discounting water for optimal carbon gain as a basis of stomatal closure. AGU Adv., 5, no. 3, e2024AV001287, doi:10.1029/2024AV001287.

The exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapor between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere is regulated by stomata (small pores in the leaves of plants). Unsurprisingly, environmental factors controlling the opening and closure of stomata has been sought as early as 1800. One approach, popularized in the early 1970s, is a stomatal optimization framework. This framework is based on the hypothesis that plants optimize carbon gain subject to water loss or water availability constraints. This constraint optimization problem was solved in various forms assuming instantaneous adjustments of stomatal aperture to maximize a reward function with no future foresight or legacy effects. Holtzman et al. (2024) offers a novel approach that can diagnose the effective timescale over which the reward function maximization must be time-integrated. The developed method thus optimizes an integrated carbon gain function but adjusted by a discount factor subject to water availability in the root zone. The discount factor considers how the plant values carbon gain to save water and its timescale can be inferred from observations because the model is analytically tractable. The results suggest that the most important climate factor that determines this discount timescale is multi-annual mean of the longest dry period during the growing season. The findings highlight how local climate traits influence the spatial variation in ecosystem-level water use strategies. This sets the stage for expanding such a framework to cases where multiple constraints act in concert while operating at distinct time scales.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Nakad, M.},
  title={Discounting water for optimal carbon gain as a basis of stomatal closure},
  journal={AGU Advances},

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RIS Citation

ID  - na04600m
AU  - Nakad, M.
PY  - 2024
TI  - Discounting water for optimal carbon gain as a basis of stomatal closure
JA  - AGU Adv.
JO  - AGU Advances
VL  - 5
IS  - 3
SP  - e2024AV001287
DO  - 10.1029/2024AV001287
ER  -

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