Publication Abstracts

Linsker 1972

Linsker, R., 1972: Production cross sections for Lee-Wick massive electromagnetic bosons and for spin-zero and spin-one W Bosons at high energies. Phys. Rev. D, 5, no. 7, 1709-1723, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.5.1709.

The total cross section is calculated for the resonant process l± + Z → l± + Z' + B0 → l± + Z' + (hadrons or leptons), where l = μ or e, and B0 is the hypothetical massive spin-1 boson of electromagnetic interactions, proposed by Lee and Wick. Several (Z, Z') cases have been studied, corresponding to elastic scattering off protons and neutrons (with and without an exclusion principle), coherent scattering off spin-0 nuclei, and inelastic scattering off protons (in which case Z' denotes a nucleon resonance or hadronic system in the continuum). Detailed structure-function data are used to improve the accuracy of the inelastic scattering calculation. At a beam energy of 200-300 GeV, the cross section exceeds 10-36 cm2, provided the B0 mass is not much greater than 10 GeV. Details of the calculation are given with results for beam energies between 50 and 10 000 GeV and B0 masses between 5 and 40 GeV. The cross section is also computed for the resonant process ν̅ll) + Z → l± + Z' + W0 → l± + Z' + (hadrons or leptons) and for the extensively studied semiweak process ν̅ll) + Z → l± + Z' + W1, where W±0,1 are the scalar and vector weak intermediate bosons. The cross section for W±0 production with l = μ is found to be at least an order of magnitude smaller than that for W±1, in nearly all regions of interest. The W±0 production cross section for inelastic scattering off protons is comparable to that for elastic scattering in the regions of interest; whereas in the B0 and W±1 cases, the main contribution to the total cross section for production off protons is elastic.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Linsker, R.},
  title={Production cross sections for Lee-Wick massive electromagnetic bosons and for spin-zero and spin-one W Bosons at high energies},
  journal={Physical Review D},

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RIS Citation

ID  - li08310i
AU  - Linsker, R.
PY  - 1972
TI  - Production cross sections for Lee-Wick massive electromagnetic bosons and for spin-zero and spin-one W Bosons at high energies
JA  - Phys. Rev. D
JO  - Physical Review D
VL  - 5
IS  - 7
SP  - 1709
EP  - 1723
DO  - 10.1103/PhysRevD.5.1709
ER  -

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