Publication Abstracts
Hogan et al. 1972
Hogan, J.S., R.W. Stewart, S.I. Rasool, and L.H. Russell, 1972: Results of the Mariner 6 and 7 Mars occultation experiments. NASA TN D-6683. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
An analysis of the Mariner 6 and 7 occultation data has been completed. Final profiles of temperature, pressure, and electron density on Mars were obtained for the Mariner 6 and 7 entry and exit cases, and results are presented for both the lower atmosphere and ionosphere. The results of an analysis of the systematic and formal errors introduced at each stage of the data-reduction process are also included.
At all four occulation points, the lapse rate of temperature was subdadiabatic up to altitudes in excess of 20 km. A pronounced temperature inversion was present above the surface at the Mariner 6 exit point. All four profiles exhibit a sharp, superadiabatic drop in temperature at high altitudes, with temperatures falling below the frost point of CO2. These results give a strong indication of frozen CO2 in the middle atmosphere of Mars.
The analysis for the upper atmosphere indicates peak electronpopulation of (1.59±0.2)×105 cm-3 near 136.5 km and (1.73±0.2)×105 cm-3 near 137.5 km at Mariner 6 and 7 entry points, respectively. The plasma scale height above these maxima were 43±6 km and 47±4 km, corresponding to topside temperatures of 388±54 K and 424±35 K for Mariner 6 and 7 entries, respectively.
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@misc{ho03100m, author={Hogan, J. S. and Stewart, R. W. and Rasool, S. I. and Russell, L. H.}, title={Results of the Mariner 6 and 7 Mars occultation experiments}, year={1972}, publisher={National Aeronautics and Space Administration}, address={Washington, D.C.}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - RPRT ID - ho03100m AU - Hogan, J. S. AU - Stewart, R. W. AU - Rasool, S. I. AU - Russell, L. H. PY - 1972 BT - Results of the Mariner 6 and 7 Mars occultation experiments PB - National Aeronautics and Space Administration CY - Washington, D.C. ER -
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