Publication Abstracts

Gebel and Shore 1972

Gebel, W.L., and S.N. Shore, 1972: On the nature of the Monoceros supernova remnant. Astrophys. J. Lett., L9-L12, doi:10.1086/180879.

A dynamical expansion time of 3×105 years and an envelope of 100 km/s are derived for the filamentary Monoceros Loop supernova remnant. Through arguments connecting three 0 stars with the supernova remnant, a lower limit of 25-30 M is derived for the progenitor star. A thermal soft X-ray point source located at α(1950) = 6h35m5, δ(1950) = +6°28' is predicted based on the hypothesis of a cooling neutron star. By analogy, we interpret the Cygnus Loop X-ray source as a neutron star.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Gebel, W. L. and Shore, S. N.},
  title={On the nature of the Monoceros supernova remnant},
  journal={Astrophysical Journal Letters},

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RIS Citation

ID  - ge02300g
AU  - Gebel, W. L.
AU  - Shore, S. N.
PY  - 1972
TI  - On the nature of the Monoceros supernova remnant
JA  - Astrophys. J. Lett.
JO  - Astrophysical Journal Letters
SP  - L9
EP  - L12
DO  - 10.1086/180879
ER  -

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