Publication Abstracts

Druyan 1991

Druyan, L.M., 1991: The sensitivity of sub-Saharan precipitation to Atlantic SST. Climatic Change, 18, 17-36, doi:10.1007/BF00142503.

The climate model of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Hansen et al., 1983) is used to study the sensitivity of sub-Saharan rainfall to Atlantic SST. Initial changes of SST in the South Atlantic Ocean on March 1st are shown to reduce the June-August sub-Saharan precipitation totals using the model version with an interactive ocean that updates SST. Evidence is offered in support of theories that link Sahel drought with anomalously warm SST in the eastern South Atlantic and the study compares the model's response to spatially coherent SST anomalies with the response to random SST perturbations. The physical processes whereby SST and sea-level pressure synoptics influence the African summer monsoon are discussed in reference to the simulations. Predictibility of Sahel summer rainfall based on spring SST patterns or spring atmospheric circulation patterns is implied by the results. The SST/Sahel drough links are discussed for projections of future climate characteristics.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Druyan, L. M.},
  title={The sensitivity of sub-Saharan precipitation to Atlantic SST},
  journal={Climatic Change},

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RIS Citation

ID  - dr04100j
AU  - Druyan, L. M.
PY  - 1991
TI  - The sensitivity of sub-Saharan precipitation to Atlantic SST
JA  - Climatic Change
JO  - Climatic Change
VL  - 18
SP  - 17
EP  - 36
DO  - 10.1007/BF00142503
ER  -

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