Publication Abstracts
Colgate and Cameron 1963
Colgate, S.A., and A.G.W. Cameron, 1963: Enhancement of light output from a supernova. Nature, 200, 870-872.
Interest has been aroused by the discovery that certain radio sources are associated with superluminous objects in distant galaxies. In particular, the source 3C 273 is 8-9 astronomical magnitudes brighter than a supernova explosion at the maximwn of the light curve, and much of the emitted light appears to be synchrotron radiation. Occasional fla.res occur in the light curve of this object, during which an excess energy of ∼ 2×1046 ergs/sec is emitted within an interval of 105-106 sec-1.
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@article{co02400t, author={Colgate, S. A. and Cameron, A. G. W.}, title={Enhancement of light output from a supernova}, year={1963}, journal={Nature}, volume={200}, pages={870--872}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - co02400t AU - Colgate, S. A. AU - Cameron, A. G. W. PY - 1963 TI - Enhancement of light output from a supernova JA - Nature JO - Nature VL - 200 SP - 870 EP - 872 ER -
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