Publication Abstracts
Chin and Stothers 1991
Chin, C.-W., and
, 1991: Evolutionary sequences of stellar models of intermediate and high mass including convective core overshooting. Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser., 77, 299-316, doi:10.1086/191605.Stellar evolution with parameterized overshooting from the convective core has been studied for the stellar mass range M/M☉ = 3-30 and for the initial chemical composition range Xe = 0.650-0.739 (hydrogen) and Ze = 0.021-0.044 (metals). Evolutionary sequences run from the zero-age main sequence to the end of core helium burning, but emphasis is placed here on the core helium-burning phase. Convective core overshooting during the previous main-sequence phase leads, in most cases, to a shortening of the blue loop on the H-R diagram that forms when helium is being depleted in the core. On the other hand, convective overshooting from the helium-burning core has the opposite effect. A larger initial metals abundance also tends to shorten the blue loop. In an extreme case the blue loop can be fully suppressed, but in a marginal case the normal trend can be reversed. The fraction of the core helium-burning lifetime that is spent in the blue phase is generally very sensitive to the physical input parameters. Detailed tables and plots of evolutionary tracks on the H-R diagram are provided.
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BibTeX Citation
@article{ch05200y, author={Chin, C.-W. and Stothers, R. B.}, title={Evolutionary sequences of stellar models of intermediate and high mass including convective core overshooting}, year={1991}, journal={Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series}, volume={77}, pages={299--316}, doi={10.1086/191605}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - ch05200y AU - Chin, C.-W. AU - Stothers, R. B. PY - 1991 TI - Evolutionary sequences of stellar models of intermediate and high mass including convective core overshooting JA - Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser. JO - Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series VL - 77 SP - 299 EP - 316 DO - 10.1086/191605 ER -
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