Publication Abstracts
Canuto et al. 1974
, J. Lodenquai, L. Paris, and S.M. Chitre, 1974: t-Matrix calculation of the ground-state energies of solid 3He. J. Low Temp. Phys., 17, 179-190, doi:10.1007/BF00654553.
The analysis of the Bethe-Goldstone equation for solid 3He is performed by removing the difficulties of symmetry encountered in a previously published version of the problem. Better agreement with experimental data is obtained. The new form of the Bethe-Goldstone two-body equation has special significance for problems related to fission and to solidification of neutron matter.
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@article{ca02810r, author={Canuto, V. and Lodenquai, J. and Paris, L. and Chitre, S. M.}, title={t-Matrix calculation of the ground-state energies of solid 3He}, year={1974}, journal={Journal of Low Temperature Physics}, volume={17}, pages={179--190}, doi={10.1007/BF00654553}, }
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RIS Citation
TY - JOUR ID - ca02810r AU - Canuto, V. AU - Lodenquai, J. AU - Paris, L. AU - Chitre, S. M. PY - 1974 TI - t-Matrix calculation of the ground-state energies of solid 3He JA - J. Low Temp. Phys. JO - Journal of Low Temperature Physics VL - 17 SP - 179 EP - 190 DO - 10.1007/BF00654553 ER -
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